Incarceration is perhaps the only solution to Trump, but no one seems willing to do it. Republicans have been gutless because all they care about is their own reelection. Don’t seem to care or they don’t seem to notice that the entire democracy is being toppled by Trump and his stupidity, asininity and gross behavior. Trump is a metastatic disease.

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They are counting on being on the upside and not crushed when it happens. They should take a lesson from Russia’s oligarchs and their unpredictable life expectancies ... Then consider how often donnie changes his toadies so none gain too much influence.

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Until we get the media/pundit discourse about this away from the faux “fair and balanced” stance and start really hammering those complicit or enabling, this won’t change. For most politicians (not Gaetz, MTG, and their ilk) shame and embarrassment are powerful deterrents.

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Oh? How much more embarrassment can there be?

Power, money is all consuming for the GOP.

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Apparently more!

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I too think that it’s time to speak up and drown out the vile MAGA Republican rhetoric that has led in the past to an insurrection. DJT wants to silence his detractors “lies, deceit and criticism” whilst he can spew his own lies. We the opposition must be aware of what he says to find any evidence of his threats to the life of any of his opponents that could actually place him behind bars. Just like, you can’t yell fire in a crowded theater when no fire exists.

The elected GOP representatives and senators must grow some balls and denounce tRump for what he is, a wannabe king/dictator and charlatan.

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They won’t James. Because (Trying to put a sentence together that doesn’t include an obscenity here). Well, they won’t.

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The complicit Senators do so not only to hold onto their jobs but also to secure their social status within the Republican elite back home! In fact, that aspect may be more important to them, their family members and their former business partners and clients. This whole social/business/ political arrangement of Republican so-called “leaders” is despicable when balanced against the loss of our national democracy, particularly if Trump is permitted by a single complicit juror to evade criminal responsibility. So much of our freedom hangs in the balance, doesn’t it?

So please go today to www.TurnUp.us/ and contribute generously to these brilliant and effective Harvard students who are mobilizing 18 to 29 yr olds in a nonpartisan fashion to register and turnout! Their participation can save our democracy!

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Patris, sadly I agree. They won't. I've seen a few people I thought were intelligent (or at least sentient) double down on their support for TFG. It's far too late for them to abandon ship now.

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Sep 18, 2023Liked by Steven Beschloss

"...the right of free speech is not absolute...” is what I too have been thinking about. It may be the one constructive thing our current sociopath leaves the world... we will closer define what speech is allowed.

We accept these slogans, 'Free Speech,' without really thinking what we mean. All speech occurs because the speaker has an intent to convey a message. Like a lullaby is meant to convey--peace and relaxation. When speech is meant to stir thing up we have to look at 'intent' closer. According to the Etymology Dictionary: intend, "have as a plan, have in mind or purpose." Which leaves us to determine 45's plan to carry out his threatens or the senators' plan(s)/purpose in aiding said sociopath. None seem what we want to be 'free.' All should have to pay for the privilege they invoked.

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Great quote D.L.! Part of their strategy is creating confusion over definitions, ala "alternative facts." But, we as a culture are getting sloppy about defining what we are talking about. Repubs are taking advantage of this. Their next step is going to be to demand any and all speech to be okay, so 45 can blab and threaten. We just need to keep using examples of acceptable protest speech. It will get tricky.

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Sep 18, 2023Liked by Steven Beschloss

Two sayings : Close the barn door after the horse has bolted & When one door closes, another door opens. Hopefully, the latter will prevail.

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When? How bout now!

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Donald Trump was chosen as the presumptive leader of the GOP in 2016. This stupidity happened because the GOP "knew" that, despite almost three decades of Clinton bashing, there was no other candidate with the name and face recognition to win election.

I'm fairly certain that the primary voices of the Party of Lincoln thought "how bad could it be?".

Seven years later we all see how bad. That choice will be remembered for as long as there are sentient human beings reading history.

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Every point you make, agreed.

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As Stephen Beschloss points out in this commentary, Jack Smith's "motion to ensure that extrajudicial statements do not prejudice these proceedings" is much more nuanced than a "gag order" but once again media outlets and pundits are using verbal shortcuts. They have effectively adopted what will be yet another misinformation talking point by MAGA adherents. ARGH!! Yes, of course, we want Trump to shut the h*ll up and we would love to see someone in power make it happen, but honoring the rule of law requires that we do so with careful precision. And that's what we have in Smith's artfully crafted motion. Hopefully Judge Chutkan will agree.

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Well said!

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Republicans know that they will lose party primaries to people even more stupid and unhinged. They are really afraid of losing their cushy, gov't jobs as senators and congressional reps. And until that happens, they will be shut out of legislative roles like Liz Cheney was in the House.

But you know who else is complicit? The press. It isn't just Fox. CNN with its disgusting town hall that allowed trump to be treated like a normal candidate is one example. Unforgivable. Then there is Meet the Press. Shameful cheerleading and pretending like this guy is just a normal candidate with differing political opinions.

We watched it during the first trump campaign and we are seeing it now. We are also seeing a Democratic candidate that believes that they must stay above the fray. Now instead of talking about the Biden/Harris list of substantial accomplishments that benefit the American people we are hearing about his age. Trump is nearly the same age and mentally infirm yet he is called "Mr President" by an undisciplined, unfit and terrible journalist with no capacity or will to call him on his lies.

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The deepest scar left by this entire dark period will come from Republicans' slithering, mealy-mouthed cowardice and hypocrisy. From the way that at every turn they've put their personal greed and love of (dubious) "political stature" ahead of truth. There is no coming back from where they have gone. Meanwhile, the country and our judges, prosecutors, jurors, etc. are in peril and those Rs stay silent. I'd like to see Trump behind bars for his ongoing lies. Yes, there would be violence but I fear there will be violence at whatever point it is that he is finally incarcerated.

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The hypocrisy and lies are just overwhelming. If a Democrat did half or a quarter of what he did, they’d be impeached within a month, removed from office and thrown in jail. Just sayin’

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The challenge is as Romney stated. His Republican colleagues no longer believe in democracy. Their published Project2025.org presidential transition plan should titled 180 Days to a ChristoFascist America. It doesn't even require Trump be elected. Any Republican will do. They aren't waiting for a harbinger of chaos. They've layed out a detail plan to circumvent our Constitution, reorganize and seriously downsize the role and assistance provided by the federal government to help the American people against the grossly wealthy and corporations who run roughshod over us. Worse. It could work. Every Democrat and Independent should read it and decide. Will we stand up against fascism or become serfs to a permanent intolerant cruel class of America Oligarchs.

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6 other GOP Senators voted to convict Trump in Jan 6 impeachment; Romney was the only GOP vote for Impeachment #1. The insurrection impeachment trial was the last best chance to cut the cord.

Not the last chance, but the courage needed at this point has grown as the MAGA commitment to their flawed worldview has become more entrenched.

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Mueller in his own words after all the “exoneration” talk - To the House Judiciary Committee.

“The president was not exculpated for the acts that he allegedly committed.” Mueller also pointed out Trump could be indicted after he left office.

“We did not address ‘collusion,’ which is not a legal term. Rather, we focused on whether the evidence was sufficient to charge any member of the campaign with taking part in a criminal conspiracy. It was not.”

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The mugshot was "Evil Winnie".

No hunny for that bitch.

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