Why are SEDITIOUS members of Congress still walking the halls of Congress???

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Lawyer friends, keep cautioning regarding Garland– “Be patient -be patient” well, sorry, but I’m at the inpatient stage right now -the world is allowing the deranged maniac Putin to rape, torture, murder and destroy babies, children women, girls, men, schools, hospitals -everyone sees the genocide before their eyes, and does nothing.

Close to 150 members of Congress were in on the SEDITIOUS plot with Trump. and the justice department does nothing. We are teaching our young people that if you are rich & white, -you can get by with any -any anything! 

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Just like trump did last year on January 6, we feel he is once again calling on his followers, the far right wing militias all over the country, to prepare for another attack. Can the DOJ with the new Special Counsel Jack Smith, finally indict trump by the end of the year before the new Congress convenes in January? The daily violent, deranged rants of trump just add more each day to the deep divisiveness and threats to our very fragile Democracy. He must be held accountable now. How much longer do we have to wait for justice?

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“To see what is in front of one's nose needs a constant struggle.” - George Orwell

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trump, from the beginning, said he thought it would be good to serve more than two terms, to continue in perpetuity, and after him, family members. He praised Kim for this and professed love for him., so his latest statements should come as no surprise. It is as Maya Angelou said - When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time. He spoke, few listened.

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I think you summed up your well written analysis of the current very sad, very scary state of affairs with this sentence in the middle of your post: "But we are in this predicament because Trump’s reckless words and behavior have been overlooked, minimized or normalized over and over, not just for the last seven years but for decades." Just when I thought 45 couldn't take us to a lower place than allowing foreign governments to intervene in our election, in fact encouraging it, siding with Putin over our national intelligence agency on the stage in Helsinki, inciting an insurrection on the Capital when he lost all other methods of overturning the 2020 election, dining with and refusing to denounce Ye and Fuentes, he has now announced to the world his ultimate goal, throwing out our Constitution so that he can remain in power, or regain power, or whatever it is he wants. Yet, still, the GOP is reluctant to denounce such an outrageous statement. Are the spineless in that caucus so afraid of losing his voters? Are the spineless in that caucus going to support his next presidential campaign in the primaries? Are the spineless in that caucus going to support him if/when he winds the nomination of their party? Is this what the spineless in that caucus want for the future of our country? Actually, it's hard for me to say future of our country, because our country would be very different without our Constitution. Where do we go from here? What is our future? Do we even try to get the spineless in that caucus to listen to those of us with reason, those of us who want to keep our Constitution and our Democracy and our Republic? I watched Ken Burns' documentary on Benjamin Franklin last night, again, as I had watched it during its first airing earlier this yer. Much thought from many wise people went into drafting our Constitution and creating our Democracy. We can't let 1 deranged man obsessed with himself, his ego and his need for power take all of that away from us. Thank you again @Steven Beschloss for giving us this space to reflect and commiserate together. I pray that together we find an answer.

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How is it that a man who so egregiously condemns the foundation of our democracy can and still is being made relevant? Hasn’t he done enough damage to destroy a 1000 countries? Why are we still giving this man any oxygen or relevance? Oh that’s right, so we can all keep talking about him, writing about him keeping him in the news. I agree his latest diatribe will unearth the massive cowardice of the Republican Party but when if ever is going to be enough with this guy. Hurry up jack smith we are waiting!

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It is all about grabbing as much power as possible. It has never been about public service or societal benefits. The problem with the current GOP is they cannot say what is true and right because there will always be some craven charlatan who will feed the beast of resentment, ignorance, fear, and libertarian crap. Trump and his acolytes are smart enough to know how to leverage this. It gives those resentful, fearful, ignorant groups a dopamine hit because they feel they belong to that group, even if rationally it harms them. It is an addiction to anger and nihilism, and like other addictions is ultimately self-destructive.

But let us not forget the money to be made in the grift...Trump, Alex Jones, etc con people out of their money and give them the hit they crave to feel better about themselves for the moment. The media feed on this by driving those narratives as they make money from the grift...push the narrative, get paid, who cares who gets hurt.

Money and narrative control regardless of truth are all about power...and feeling powerful. Problem is once on that treadmill, it continues to speed up, how to get off without getting seriously hurt? Just run faster, make up crazier and crazier stories.

My question to anybody: Who is more scared and fearful now? The masses who are conned and addicted? Or the “pushers” who fear being crushed by the ugliness they have fed and nurtured? I think it is the latter myself.

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Steven, your writing is profound, and should unseat even the most entrenched of Republicans. It seems that too many GOP members are living in a state of resigned denial about the criminality perpetuated by Donald Trump. Despite his never-ending verbal and behavioural atrocities, he revolved in a bubble of supporter adulation and acceptance. There is no way to rationalise the Trump-addiction phenomenon. It manifests like a neuro-psychological disorder, characterised by a persistent and intense urge to engage in certain behaviours, none of which are beneficial. Apotheosis prevailed. Despite Trump's desire to shred the American Constitution, and trash anything that gets in his way, he is a standard bearer for grievance outliers and conspiracy theorists. Republicans need to shake off the dust cloud of delusion, and rejoin a platform of truth and reality. This process will require them to acknowledge they backed the wrong 'individual'. As Liz Cheney stated during the January 6 Hearing, 'some day Donald Trump will be gone'. We wait with bated breath.

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Watched a bit of MSNBC tonight, and was shocked at the hubris of many Republicans being interviewed who absolutely cannot say- in plain English-that Joe Biden is the legitimate President of the United States. Even now -even after January 6, even after the January 6th committee has exposed so much of the rot. These so-called men have no business in government.

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Sad truth. For GOP it’s not about governing it’s about power power power.!

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I understand the NT Times waited 12 hours to publish an article about Trump’s speech because “they didn’t want to amplify “. Oh, please.

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Why is government impotent to deal with the obvious criminality of Trump? No will? Corruption? Why aren’t people screaming about the 2 billion to Jared?

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Media need to cease calling DONNIE President. He is decidedly NOT president of anything

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These over the weekend remarks should be responded to with a Glock 19...Enough already..

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Steven, Trump is a dead man walking. Cancelling the Construction. C’mon man. I was just wondering, are you concerned we have a sitting President that was active in suppressing information, along with traditional media, the FBI, DNC and big tech, information that he and his family were selling foreign influence while he was VP??The suppression may have turned an election. If you care, the oldest paper in the country has a good take. https://nypost.com/2022/12/04/sorry-donald-here-are-the-real-takeaways-from-the-twitter-files/?utm_campaign=iphone_nyp&utm_source=pasteboard_app

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