May 28, 2021Liked by Steven Beschloss

The refusal to take responsibility for what one has done is a hallmark of narcissism.

I, unfortunately for me, have extensive experience with narcissists, although I didn’t know there was a name for it most

of my life. Narcissists use others as scapegoats. In other words, when confronted negatively about something they did, their immediate response will be that they didn’t do it, so & so did it.

Another hallmark is taking credit for someone else’s excellent work and they will even take that person’s name off of their work and put their own name on it. If the narcissist senses a co-worker or even a family member is smarter than they are, or better at their job, the narcissist will relentlessly make that person’s life a misery until they leave. My advice to anyone who encounters this behavior is: Never rely on anyone who acts this way for anything, avoid them if you can & know that they will lie extensively to others about you whether you are a family member, a co-worker or friend.

Narcissists are who they are. They will never change, they will never seek psychological counseling and if they are forced to get counseling pursuant to a court order they will not benefit from it, they will double down on their bad behavior. You see, every narcissist truly believes they are perfect just the way they are. It’s not their problem if others can’t see the the narcissist’s perfection. They manipulate everyone around them 24/7. They are prolific liars. They will lie even if there’s nothing to be gained by lying and they assume others lie as much as they do, so they tend to be suspicious and paranoid. If narcissists can’t get their way, most of them will indulge in a rage.

Narcissistic rages are truly frightening. I’ve witnessed many of them. During one rage that was directed at me, the narcissist was actually foaming at the mouth. An example of a narcissistic rage was when now Justice Brett Kavanaugh lost his temper during questioning at his confirmation hearing. Rages are an out of control manifestation of a last ditch effort to control people and situations. Kavanaugh’s rage was relatively mild but wildly inappropriate. He should have been rejected as a Supreme Court candidate the instant he indulged in that behavior.

Narcissists are delusional. But, they’re delusional in a way that isn’t particularly noticeable unless you know what what to look for. First you have to understand that all information or input perceived by the narcissist is perceived abnormally. As I said before, they assume they are being lied to and manipulated because they continually lie to and manipulate others. At some point narcissists change factual information in their minds to what they want the facts to be. I honestly don’t think it’s purposefully done. I think it’s done unconsciously and compulsively, in order to preserve the narcissist’s beliefs about him/her self and the world. In fact I believe narcissists are born with a brain that’s “wired” differently than the brains of most people. I also think it’s an inherited condition, much like schizophrenia. However, I also believe a narcissist’s behavior can be made better or worse depending on how they are raised.

So, there you have it; more than you ever wanted to know about narcissists & narcissism. I’m afraid many of our elected representatives have this condition. Some narcissists “groom” the people around them to turn them into extensions of the narcissist. I’ll leave it to you to decide whether or not Trump successfully groomed republican senators & representatives to be extensions of himself and his mental pathology.

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Thank you! I am in PA, and I appreciate Judge Bocabella’s sensibility. This was horrific, and so is what we face now in terms of the Trump crew and the assault on our Capitol and all who labor there.

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May 28, 2021Liked by Steven Beschloss

Every day that goes by, I lose ,more and more hope, that any of those members of Congress will be held accountable. It's not like they have been on their best behavior, either. McConnell is still, well McConnell, Cruz seems to be in a race to the bottom, Gaetz, apparently is encouraging his supporters to shoot liberals over "cancel culture", and the list goes on. If the Democrats don't hold this commission, with or without and Republicans, our country is doomed, and Democrats will be held equally as responsible. They will be the equivalent of this judge, who kept quiet in the face of horrendous crimes.

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May 28, 2021Liked by Steven Beschloss

I applaud the judge holding him accountable despite his medical conditions. Being in jail/prison is a just call. Now we have to be patient and wait for the slow wheels of justice to turn for others who hold positions of privilege and power to be held accountable. I hope it happens before it is too late and we lose our country. Garland and his team have integrity so I hold tightly onto that. Steven, well done article.

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