Apr 1Liked by Steven Beschloss

Sun Tzu wrote a couple of millennia ago, "An evil man will burn his own nation to the ground to rule over the ashes." We are witnessing that in real time.

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Apr 1Liked by Steven Beschloss

Steven, this is probably the most eloquent, spot-on depiction of Trump ever written. Thank you for sharing this profound observation of a man who should never again be in a position of power. We are truly at the edge of the abyss if we allow him to continue his crusade to sacrifice America on the altar of his desperate need for adoration.

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Apr 1Liked by Steven Beschloss

Thank you Steven. Your ability to bring historical, behavioral and political context together helps me formulate my own responses to interactions in my social sphere. This becomes a powerful impact when spread among all your readers. Looking forward to a brighter time for our country.

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The recent spectacle laid bare on Truth Social by none other than the Great Shark himself, Donald Trump, is not merely a blip on the radar of political discourse; it's a screaming, neon sign of madness that's impossible to ignore.

Let's not mince words: we're beyond the pale here. The act of circulating a video featuring a bound and gagged representation of President Joe Biden is not just a tasteless jab in the dark arts of political rivalry; it's a clarion call to the basest instincts of an already fervent base, a siren song for the unhinged. It's the kind of stunt that makes even the most jaded of political operatives spit out their bourbon in disbelief. Trump, ever the maestro of mayhem, knows precisely what he's doing. He's not just pushing the envelope; he's incinerating it in a blaze of glory for all his followers to see, basking in the glow of the fire he's started.

This isn't just about pushing boundaries or testing the waters of free speech; it's about detonating a grenade in the room and watching the chaos unfold with a smirk.

Where are the guardians of sanity in this twilight zone of political theatre? The Republican Party, once the stalwart of conservative values and decorum, now seems to be as effective as a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest when it comes to reigning in their prodigal son. It's as if the entire party has been seduced by the allure of power, willing to turn a blind eye to the circus so long as it serves their ends.

The Secret Service, those silent watchers tasked with the unenviable job of sifting through the detritus of threats and bile hurled at our leaders, are surely not amused. Yet, the gears of justice grind slowly, if at all, leaving us to wonder: at what point does the spectacle end and accountability begin?

To those who would dismiss this as mere political theater, I implore you to look deeper. This isn't about left vs. right, Democrat vs. Republican. It's about the soul of a nation, teetering on the edge of a knife.

When the very fabric of our civil discourse is torn asunder by the actions of a man who would be king, we're all left standing in the wreckage, wondering how we got here. This is a five-alarm fire, alright. But instead of reaching for the water, too many are content to roast marshmallows on the flames. It's time for a reckoning, not just in the courtrooms and the halls of power, but in the hearts and minds of every American.

This is not the country of Lincoln, of Roosevelt, of Kennedy. We've strayed into uncharted territory, guided by a map drawn by madmen. So, to the undecided, to those who think this is just another turn of the political cycle, I say: wake up. The stakes couldn't be higher, and the cost of inaction is a price too steep to contemplate.

Let's not wait until the smoke clears to realize what we've lost. Let's stand up, speak out, and bring back a sense of decency to the political arena. For if we fail, we risk becoming characters in a tragedy of our own making, lamenting what could have been as the final curtain falls.

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Apr 1Liked by Steven Beschloss

Oh thank you Steven, this is so powerful. My biggest problem is figuring out how to get through to people who are thinking of not voting bc they think President Biden “just isn’t a good President”, 🤦‍♀️ or for the same reason, voting for RFK? Yikes! Sharing your words is how I try to get through to them! Thank you for your important work!

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Apr 1Liked by Steven Beschloss

Thanks Steven! Well said. The crooked weak man is self destructing and the legitimate Press is propping him up.

There are two old men running for president. One is a 50 year honorable public servant. The other is a convicted rapist fraud who broke his oath of office. The Press should be interviewing every one of the 147 Objectors and asking why they still support him. The Press should be asking WHY of everyone in Trump World.

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I have to ask, what have the leaders of past years done/done wrong, that have made almost half of our population have fear, anger and hatred to the point that they will follow a psychopath like trump?

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I always enjoy and learn from your point of view. Nice.

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Many great minds have noted a developmental path from instincts (1) to caring (4) to bliss/self actualization/transformation (7). To be marooned on the shoals/mud flats of one's instincts must be hell. We should wish no one this existence. BUT, we should never allow a person living this hell to tear us to pieces and drag us down there with him.

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Apr 1·edited Apr 1Liked by Steven Beschloss

Pritzger's graduation address should be required reading in order to graduate high school. Thank you for the reminder. I sent it to my grandson last Fall as he was starting UW, WI. He was choosing business as a major, instead of his long focus on history. We'll see how that goes.

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Apr 1Liked by Steven Beschloss

Thank you for the take down on tRump one more time. It cannot be just other “billionaires” that are drinking the koolaid. Unfortunately the MAGA followers are shooting themselves in the foot and will end up paying for the enrichment programs for trump’s children and buddies.

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Apr 1Liked by Steven Beschloss

Totally agree with this essay (not surprisingly, as I agree with and am grateful for everything Prof Beschloss writes and says. . . My 2 cts: I don't like words like "narcissist' or 'strongman' because they don't translate well in general parlance, Prof Ben-Ghiatt's book notwithstanding. "Strong" is usually a positive. Narcissist is not commonly understood by the public. Fascist, tyrannical, angry, hell-bent on destruction, mean, vicious, deranged, brain-damaged (psychologically at least), psycho-path, even amoral -- seem like clearer adjectives. Meanwhile, as he "progresses" -- another ironic term -- he is also incoherent, confused, chaotic, etc.

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Apr 1Liked by Steven Beschloss

Well said Steven. Your message and our choice is clear and real. We can't look away from what could become our darkest time. We must remain focused on the power our democracy gives us.

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Apr 1Liked by Steven Beschloss

what a wonderful essay - and so on track - but he is still dangerous - i don't believe he has enough followers to win, but enough to create some serious problems after the election. we must remain diligent

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Apr 1Liked by Steven Beschloss

Everyone who has read Steven’s excellent, courageous and forthright description of Trump should now read George Polisner’s substack article on Project 2025, but only if you have a receptacle handy to throw up in.

There’s no question that Trump is decompensating

into full-blown dementia. But instead of being alarmed about it, the political party that nominated him for president is simply ignoring it. That is all anyone needs to know before casting their vote in November.

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Steven: This was a suburb narrative and an excellent, censorious description of Trump and the current horrendous status of our nation at this point in time. It could not have been more perfect.

As another Substack reader once told me - you are preaching to the choir. It's time to find a solution to this contentious situation. While Trump's own lack of intelligence and stupidity may land him in jail very soon, it's the other half of our country - the Trumpers - who need to recognize Trump's coercive control techniques used daily. Donald Trump rose to the presidency through a conspiracy to pervert the course of American justice. His brainlessness and amoral behavior in Russia, set the stage for his entrapment - via beautiful KGB women, large transfers of Russian money or gratuitous services, or just plain ole corruption. Trump's behavior has become more and more threatening, increasingly erratic, and he rallies his followers with chants of "fake news" and photos of Biden tied up in the back of a pickup truck.

His followers, mostly Republicans which includes MAGAs (compared to maggots), and other violent groups like the Proud Boys have experienced a cult-like journey into a treacherous, savage, and dark world of mind manipulation. This is the exact same form of coercive mind control as seen in totalitarian countries like Russia, Germany, Italy, Hungry, Iran, North Korea. It is all connected but unfortunately those who have succumbed to Trump's daily dose of falsehoods do not realize that the path they are following is NOT Trump's, but Putin's.

Putin spent his spy years in East Germany, learned Hitler's methodologies, and return to Russia with these new tools. In his first few months as the President of Russia, about 80 reporters and other media personnel were killed in contract-style murders- he squashed any independent media. He then set about to brainwash the rest of the population. Lo and behold, we find this same form of brainwashing used daily by Trump - who is the monster you described in your post - and who is just another likeness to Hitler who thrives on hatred, violence, and self- adoration - a single-minded focus on himself. He needs his followers more than they need him.

"According to a Fox News poll, nearly half Republicans believe Trump was chosen by God to be president; and on CNN they reported that 70"% of the Republicans still believe the BIG LIE that the 2020 election was stolen. But the NAR, a following of over 10 million Americans, is especially effective at turning their members into true and active believers of Trump." (The Cult of Trump, Steven Hassan). While I don't believe that a social marketing program could compete with the NRA propaganda or FOX, I do think that many Americans could wake up one morning and see the light of truth - if they only knew what brainwashing is, how it is used, and why. Trump is now peddling his own version of the Bible. Perhaps this blasphemy will awaken a few Christian minds!

We need to collectively begin a social marketing campaign that defines mass mind manipulation to Americans. It should not be a negative narrative - anti-Trump or even pro-Biden. Just like Americans learned to stop smoking or to buckle-up for safety in driving - our nation can also learn the dangers of coercive mind control. Once people know the process and the symptoms they may begin to recognize and acknowledge Trump's frightful misguidance.

While living in Russia, I wrote the White Paper to convince the Russian people to begin to adopt their own orphans. It was funded by USAID and became a successful program albeit after several years. We don't have that timeframe. Social marketing is an iterative process of repeating a message. It just might work - but would need government financial support. Unfortunately, such a regular and televised message cannot say "paid by the Biden campaign."



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