Remind Ron that Joe Biden is *President* and therefore outranks him. It's plain insolence to suggest that no one may redress him, especially a Higher Office

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Thank you, I have coined a new hashtag #MDDOS, my daily dose of sanity, thank you for being one of the voices I can count on for good reasoned, integral, intelligent, historic wisdom and perspectives. Good medicine, thank you #MDDOS

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Aug 7, 2021Liked by Steven Beschloss

You wrote that DeSantis is no dummy. Then, surely he realizes that EVERY precaution should be taken to prevent even a single infection now, because just that one could mean 100 infections three weeks later. This blockhead acts like he DOESN'T know how pandemics work or else just doesn't give a damn to promote his own political fortunes. I believe (hope) it will backfire.

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Aug 7, 2021Liked by Steven Beschloss

Keeping Americans safe from Covid are two separate issues. Seems like Florida is an awful long way from western borders to be #1 in Covid positives and hospitalizations. If Florida votes DumbSantis in again, they deserve him.

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Yes, DeSantis is a cruel, disgusting person, but, we have to take a look at the citizens who support people like him and the former blogger. They are just as cruel and disgusting. They want this bullshit, they crave it. An example would be, what parent wouldn't want to do anything and everything to protect their child? Regardless of his order, I don't think it prohibits wearing masks, the schools just can't mandate it. Every parent should insist that their child wear a mask to school, full stop. But, his supporters aren't doing that. They're using their children as political pawns to prove a deadly point. To me, this is child abuse and should be treated as such. They are willfully putting their child in danger.

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It is proof that an education, even at an institution of higher learning that is respected, affords you no true sense nor sensibility. During 2020 pandemic year, seniors were to be the sacrificial lambs and now CHILDREN are the sacrifices. It is unimaginable to me how parents in Florida can think this is ok; and everything’s ok it’s just a hoax…what a time we are living through - and in some cases, dying.

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