Mar 4·edited Mar 4Liked by Steven Beschloss

Your post today brought tears. There is not much more to say. I wish every American could read this message and grasp it's deep, emotional encouragement that is all inclusive - not exclusive. Trump's rhetoric is divisive, negative, narcissistic, and self-focused. Obama's message is optimistic and telling us that we are a part of a better tomorrow. The whole world applauded when Obama was elected and his wise leadership and words are appreciated by many souls. He was a stark contrast to Trump's idiocy.

Rural Americans first voted for Trump because he was the Republican ticket, but then something changed. His repetitive lies is a form of coercive mind control (brainwashing) sucking people into almost worshipping a demagogic CULT leader.

Let's digress about 100 years. Brainwashing began in totalitarian countries: Germany, Hungry, Italy, China, North Korea, Russia, and so on. Hitler was beginning his rise in Germany. He turned families and neighbors against each other. Like Trump, he preached hatred. He converted a peaceful nation into Nazis - that performed mass murders and killed over 6 million humans. My father was a prisoner in Germany in WWII and witnessed the "camps". It took the entire world and millions of men and women to fight and die to end Hitler's madness. Stalin, in his insatiable and murderous mind, is estimated to have killed 20 million people. And Jim Jones, who thought he was God, amassed a following of 900 cult members. He ordered them all to drink KoolAid laced with poison. Every one of them perished.

In 1974, John McCain wrote "The biggest factor in a man's ability to perform credibly as a prisoner of war is a strong belief in the correctness of his nation's foreign policy . . .Prisoners who questioned the 'legality of the war' were extremely easy marks for Communist propaganda. Americans captured after 1968 had proven to be more susceptible to North Vietnamese pressure, he argued, because they 'had been exposed to the divisive forces . . . and the anti-war movement in the United States." (N.Y.Times Service, D. Kirkpatrick, June 14, 2008).

I was at a book-signing event at Barnes and Noble in Tucson, AZ. (From Democracy to Democrazy by Graham) A middle-aged woman came up to be and said "I think Putin is a smart and great leader." I opened my mouth to respond but nothing came out. I was shocked. These exact words were spoken by Trump one week prior and in response to Putin's invasion of Ukraine. (You Tube. Bloomberg TV) This my fellow Substack writers and followers is BRAINWASHING. It infects millions of Americans and is nearly impossible to combat. Mass mind manipulation is defined as "telling lies over and over until it is perceived as the truth." (wikipedia) Once a person is convinced, there is little to no independent thought. According to CNN, 70% of Republicans still believe that Trump won the 2020 election, even though Biden won by over 7 million votes. If the lie also contains hatred, which is used by Trump daily, then the human brain releases a chemical to enact violence - what we saw on January 6th. It is like a reenactment of the "Walking Dead" movie, only this is reality in the United States in 2024.

Trump has been convicted of rape and as a sexual predator - it was too bad this was a civil case instead of a criminal case - where like Bill Crosby, he would be sentenced to prison. He has been convicted of massive fraud in NY, with the evidence and documentation overwhelming. Yet with the Supremes contributing to the distortion of our judicial process, who knows if Trump will ever face the 91 criminal charges in 4 cases. Discouraging.

Vladimir Putin has openly bragged that Trump will win the 2024 election. Remember, it was the Russians who maneuvered Trump into the White House in 2016. What does Putin know that we do not about our upcoming Presidential election? This too is discouraging and frightening.

Our world and our country are far different than 100 years ago - but as a nation living in an experimental form of government known as a democracy, we are tumbling down a snowy mountain with few trees to stop us. Our right to vote is our only savior. Trump and his cult known as Trumpers are attempting to distort or prevent voting in some parts of our country.

Don't listen to the false information published or spoken by Republicans and their MAGA extremists - it is all lies. Don't listen to Trump, who is a wanna-be dictator and has probably committed treason against our nation. This man has been convicted of FRAUD, he has filed four bankruptcies and stiffed the hard workers who honestly performed his work - he is a false God and a FAKE and will lead to destruction of our country.

Joe Biden's public service experience includes 36 years as a senator - where his constitutes were happy with his Congressional performance and re-elected him over and over, 8 years as the Vice President, and 4 years as the President. He has been able to reverse the fiscal disaster created by Trump and our economy has not only stabilized but is the fastest growing in the entire world. He has created jobs and reduced inflation. He is by far the most qualified person in the United States to be President and his age and experience is an asset.

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Mar 4Liked by Steven Beschloss

Thank you Steven!

Lincoln was right!

The Confederacy never died, just went underground. We have to remember: Biden or Dictatorship is the choice in November.

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Mar 4Liked by Steven Beschloss

I’m so glad you shared this, Steven. We’ve got to be able to rise from our collective crouch and stand fearlessly. Then we have to put a renewed spring in our step, and stride forward with purpose and resolve. It isn’t easy and it isn’t fun. When I watch the occasional clip from Trump rallies I see an angry man whipping up an angry crowd and am reminded of two important things President Obama always repeated. They were meant to serve as bulwarks against cynicism and fatigue. The first was, “Don’t boo….vote!” The second was, “Yes, we can!” That’s all I need to know right now to get me through this season of horrors.

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Mar 4Liked by Steven Beschloss

What a concept - hope and optimism. I'll settle for a bit of peace and quiet, not waking every day with a pit in your stomach wondering "now what?" Thanks.

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Mar 4Liked by Steven Beschloss

Thanks, Steven, for reminding me of what an eloquent speaker former President Obama was. One that ALWAYS had my attention when he spoke. Unlike today’s Rep. Party “leaders”, I mute or change the channel whenever they open their lying mouths. It’s too upsetting to tolerate for me.

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Steven, we are dealing with a rogue Congress. Obama is always eloquent and right on in his speeches. One of the best things he ever did was have Biden as his partner. I wasn’t sure then but I am now. I watched Joe make a lot of gaffes in my lifetime but he has surpassed my expectations and bravo to him for picking Kamala.

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Mar 4Liked by Steven Beschloss

It’s wonderful to read those inspiring words of Obama’s back when I and so many of us shared his Hope for the future. We—I and so many of us who still cherish democracy—couldn’t imagine how many millions of Americans just these few years later don’t seem to share that vision!

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Mar 4Liked by Steven Beschloss

I’m also going to add a quote that I got today from one of my favorite writers of the first newsletter I ever subscribed to. It’s UNDERSTANDABLY by Bill Murphy. Today he wrote about Helen Keller and included a quote from her that in light of what you wrote today Steven, is also appropriate;

“Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men as a whole experience it. God Himself is not secure, having given man dominion over His works!

Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. The fearful are caught as often as the bold. Faith alone defends. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing. To keep our faces toward change and behave like free spirits in the presence of fate is strength undefeatable.”

Helen Keller

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Mar 4Liked by Steven Beschloss

Thanks! I needed that! President Obama has a great view.

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Mar 5Liked by Steven Beschloss

For me, when it comes to any politician, character matters the most. Barrack and Michelle Obama are two people who served and represented our country while respecting the values that most Americans believe in.

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Mar 4Liked by Steven Beschloss

Well said Mr. B.

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As we look ahead to President Biden's upcoming State of the Union address, it's clear that this moment represents a pivotal juncture not just for his presidency, but for the very future of our democracy.

When the President steps up to the podium on Thursday night, he will be speaking not only to Congress but to the American people as a whole. And what he says in this speech will be of profound importance. Yes, he will undoubtedly highlight the significant accomplishments of his administration thus far - and there are many. But perhaps even more crucially, he must also sound the alarm about the grave threats facing our nation if we fail to protect the sanctity of our electoral process.

Let's be clear: the stakes in the upcoming election could not be higher. We have already seen how former President Trump, through his actions and rhetoric, has demonstrated a flagrant disregard for the rule of law and a willingness to subvert the will of the people in pursuit of his own power. If he were to prevail in 2024, it would be nothing short of catastrophic for our democracy. The very principles upon which our nation was founded - free and fair elections, the peaceful transfer of power, the system of checks and balances - all of it would be at risk of crumbling.

This is why it is so imperative that President Biden use his State of the Union address to speak truth to power and to rally the American people around the cause of defending our democratic institutions. He must make it abundantly clear that this is not a partisan issue, but a patriotic duty that supersedes political affiliations. He must call on every one of us, regardless of party, to stay vigilant in the face of the lies and disinformation that seek to erode faith in our elections, and to hold accountable those who would attempt to undermine our democracy for their own gain.

Ultimately, the State of the Union is more than just a speech. It is a clarion call to action, a reminder of the resilience and strength of the American spirit in the face of even the most daunting challenges. It is an opportunity for the President to chart a path forward that is grounded in our most cherished values - justice, equality, the rule of law.

And it is a moment for all of us to recommit ourselves to the ongoing work of perfecting our union and ensuring that the promise of democracy endures for generations to come. Because in the end, that is what is truly at stake in this moment. And that is why President Biden's words on Thursday night will echo far beyond the halls of Congress. They will speak to the very heart and soul of who we are as a nation - and who we aspire to be.

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Mar 4Liked by Steven Beschloss


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Mar 4Liked by Steven Beschloss

Brilliant. Brainwashing indeed. As old as time.

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Mar 7Liked by Steven Beschloss

President Obama’s words were prescient, but too many of us weren’t listening to his warning. On the other hand, most voters probably had no context

for the warning so they couldn’t understand it.

We all need to teach our children the words and phrases “strongmen” use. I actually remember my

father telling me that if I ever heard someone say,

“I alone can fix it,” I should have nothing to do with

that person.

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Mar 5Liked by Steven Beschloss

Thank you, Steven. A reminder of what this country was, is, and could be. Today is primary Election Day in Colorado. I have promised myself I will step out of my comfort zone between now and November 5 to convey these ideas to people around me.

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