Nov 6, 2023·edited Nov 6, 2023Liked by Steven Beschloss

A photo says a thousand words. I see DJT's reckless intention to incite his MAGA-CULT and to over-throw the government as we know it - all so he can stay in the lime-light, defraud the American people, have charges against him dropped, and regain the most powerful position on the globe; his aim is to seek retribution on anyone who has defied him. He aims to topple our Democracy by destroying our institutions and by controlling the narrative that the American people hear, as happens in North Korea.

We no longer have a two-party system. We have the Democrats and an ongoing Republican coup. DJT depends on superficial and sensationalized social media algorithms to amplify his lies; Russian cyber warfare is all over this.

Thank you, Steven, for your commitment to preserving our Democracy. May our justice system prevail. May DJT be exposed and found guilty. He must be held accountable for his crimes against America. We need to pick up the flag and move on as a nation.

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Nov 6, 2023Liked by Steven Beschloss

I don't think I'll ever understand how people look to this immoral man, with obvious violent tendencies, who holds grudges against everyone who doesn't pledge complete fealty to him, and think he's going to do anything at all positive for them or the country. If the authoritarian MAGA party ever gets power, many of these people who just "love" trump are going to be unpleasantly surprised by just how much he "cares."

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IF -- IF -- the MAGA tribe gets power, there won't be time enough to be surprised. Trump has a cruel and angry bloodlust. He wants to sate that bloodlust by destroying everything around him, including those "devoted" followers. I fear there are too few who fully understand or even comprehend just how viciously evil and vindictive the man is.

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Trump scares me. The thought of him with absolute power is chilling, to say the least. This is a man devoid of anything good. He truly has zero redeeming qualities. He has no conscience, so no empathy. That alone should scare everyone. You are right. There are too few people who see this in him. That is also scary.

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Well, if there is any comfort at all relating to this evil monster, it is the fact a president does not have "absolute power". The guard rails are in place. The BIG issue would be if Congress has the guts and spine to enforce those guard rails. Hopefully, we the people will not have to witness such a moment.

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If Congress has the guts and spine....and the will. Unfortunately.

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Here is the short version from Salon. WaPo and others have longer more detailed versions. This one mentions martial law but doesn’t list names on his target list. — If he or any GOP candidate wins, they want to be ready on Inauguration Day. TFG’s time in the WH told them what & who need to be eliminated. In his world it is the Nixon view (they became buds): If the president does it, it is not illegal.

“In order to enable Trump to exert influence over Justice Department decisions, his associates have been devising strategies to bypass 50 years of policies and practices designed to insulate criminal prosecutions from political influence, the Post reported.

A significant portion of Trump’s second-term planning has been informally delegated to a network of right-wing groups, working together on a sweeping new initiative known as "Project 2025" — … Democracy experts have warned that Project 2025 has the potential to erode the country's system of checks and balances.

These groups are creating a strategy, with draft executive orders, to use the military under the Insurrection Act …”


You realize we would be relying on SCOTUS or Congress which have no way to enforce their decisions.

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Thank you for this. The Oath taken by our Military is to protect the Constitution; not the person. My family has served since the American Revolutionary War. We are taught and trained not to follow orders that violate the Constitution. Of course, the non-patriots among us will rebut that. The idealistic fascists will ignore it. And, yes, I acknowledge the enemies domestic also reside in our Armed Forces, as hideous as that might be.

If Trump is elected back into the White House, our country will suffer with incalculable damage. The world at large will be tossed into chaos, as we have been for the most part the arbiter for democratic policies and principles. Everyday Americans must awaken to the reality of what might be or could be. Trumps intractable sycophants will not be unharmed. They too will suffer at the hands of the mad tyrant. Yet, collapsing into an all-out autocracy is not a fete accompli. To be forewarned is to be forearmed. If people invest excess amounts of power into the idea of a fascist autocracy, then the people may well see that as their fate realized; like it or not.

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Yes, my family has a long history of service also. My grandson is serving in the Navy. My daughter in law is a veteran and straddles the fascist line.

More importantly we can see by his ‘target list’ which includes Kelly & Milley where he is going with this. And we have what he did in the WH. The ACLU has a lawsuit about targeting reporters & holding them at the border for reporting on circumstances there. I believe it was Flynn who he has promised to bring back & Eastman? who pushed for martial law. The whack job ideas of using the military to grab voting machines were all over social media at the time. Etc etc. All now serve as probes and tests of how to get away with destroying the country.


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B C I’m a new subscriber to

America , America .. my respect for Steven Beschloss is extremely high

I’m thrilled to be able to Learn an feel hope and compassion reading

His comments 🌹Marsha

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Welcome. You will learn a lot here, both from Steven Beschloss and the many intelligent and informative comments. I know I have!

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Nov 6, 2023·edited Nov 6, 2023


It’s tragic isn’t it? It seems people have an increasing difficult time separating reality from a

Soap opera-like drama. The characters, love them or hate them, appeal to them in a way that increases the cult-like following. Like the latest gossip. Is this a Drama? Comedy? Romance,

(I doubt Melania thinks so…), Horror, perhaps….? How does one stop watching as each “episode” reveals itself? The Mystery will unfold in time. The Truth will be revealed. Those guilty of deception shall face the appropriate consequence.

In the mean time, like one idolizes a character from their favorite TV show, people will gravitate to that which keeps them in a comfort zone, of sorts, that validates their emotional status, however ignorant this may be of the greater scope of the “Real” world. And, just how much impact each of us has on the lives of others. None of this to be taken for granted, treated with indifference, or left to others to figure out or be responsible for. We are all complicit.

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Morning Steven, our 501c3, called Ci4Mission, a conservative education platform has published a survey asking the electorate their hopes for the outcome of Trumps indictments. Link to survey : https://cis4mission.org/trump-legal-woes : it's anon, although uses can register to get updates. WE provide a personalized result on submission (how do you compare to others like you) and a link to all the results. which are updated daily. The (D) side of the electorate's hopes are as you would expect. Interesting that progressives want him in jail more than independents who want a (D) landslide if he runs. MAGA are convinced its a witch hunt. Independent, lean (R) and Conservatives have surprised us in their results. We have a lot to do, especially to triage the data into the swing states where the swing vote has so much more impact. I do not agree with yesterdays poll by the NY Times. I suspect they have a skewed sample and are missing the two groups we have identified, Republicans against Trump. We will be following the felony cases closely, and trending the voter sentiment as the facts come out, media published judges and juries decisions, and fewer pundit's speculations and cries of a Biden effort witch hunt etc. etc.

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Valuable work. Thanks.

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I noticed the polling results also indicated in swing states about 6% of those who said they would vote for DJT say they’d switch to Biden if he is convicted of a felony. It’s so early it is difficult to know how much of that is ‘sticky’ or who will actually vote. Polling this early has frequently been wrong probably for the reasons you state and a lot can happen in a year.

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Nov 6, 2023Liked by Steven Beschloss

Steven, your final sentence made me pause and wonder what repairing the damages he has inflicted on our Democracy would look like, or if it is even possible. So much of the damage he has inflicted on our country, has not been laws, but the values, morals, and norms that have bound us together as Americans. It seems that every day he continues his campaign of chaos, we become more broken and the path forward to save our Democracy is less clear.

Yes, I would like to see him held accountable under the law, but most importantly for me, is that our Democracy withstands the chaos and becomes stronger. I will not believe I'm alone in feeling this way. As you say, "even if the repair of damages inflicted on our justice and democratic systems still require decades of work."

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Yes, the repair in values, morals and norms will take a long time.

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Yes, I think of young children who are being raised in the MAGA-CULT -what they hear, what they feel? Often, when their parents' minds are brainwashed and the parents are distracted by chaos, or in a state of 'fight or flight' due to the social medial algorithms they're addicted to, they cannot be available or respond to their young children's needs for care and emotional bonding and attachment. This lack of care early in life can play out for many of these children in sad ways such as addition, depression, bad choices in relationships, ptsd, and so on. I've done a lot of personal work on this as an adult, necessarily; I know what cults do to families. My own has not faired well.

We need to cut MAGAs head off ASAP, and then have plenty of outreach programs for people who have been messed up by MAGA-Madness. Thanks.

One more concern, little kids in school who are doing 'mass shooter drills' and are afraid of being shot in school (where they should feel safe!) -there is probably some collective trauma millions of these children are experiencing, too. This kind of early trauma can play out in the futures of many of these children. We aren't a trauma-informed society. We need to be.

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Excellent points. Our children are our future, we need to give them the care and love they all deserve.

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Nov 6, 2023Liked by Steven Beschloss

Every accusation is projection of his own actions. Every rant is an admission of guilt. Every personal attack a revelation of his underlying insecurity. Every diatribe a purposeful distraction and cover up. Every excuse is a bold faced lie. Malignant narcissistic bullies like Trump need to be smacked in the face twice as hard as they give. It is the only message they might understand.

Yet, the media and others treat him with deference. Why? They have no courage of conviction and are afraid to speak and report the truth. Why no courage? Fear of losing their jobs or money or being harassed and intimidated.

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My thoughts exactly

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In the swamp of TrumpMind, the frogs don't go "ribbit, ribbit, ribbit." They go "rig-ged, rig-ged, rig-ged."

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And trill "wiiiiiitch hunt" lol plus the occasional, gutteral "hoax" 😂

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It's the J6 Prisoner Chorus out there.

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Yeah, the choirboys of violation of the Klan Act. By obstruction of the official proceedings, they would have disenfranchised a majority of Americans

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We need a puppet show for this! We can have a hilarious witch on a broom swooping in!

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Remember, the Russian investigation was not a hoax and the Mueller report did not exonerate Trump despite the dishonest pronouncements of Bill Barr.

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did not

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Sorry should have said didn’t

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There’s nothing wrong with your grammar. Didn’t is a contraction of did not. Don’t sweat the little stuff.

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I edited my comment. The original had a typo, leaving out the ‘nt. The reply brought that to my attention.

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Thanks for the clarification.

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“Did not” what?

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typo in the comment, now corrected by commenter.

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Nov 6, 2023Liked by Steven Beschloss

I am not at all alarmed that Trump is acting like a cornered coward - I am beyond disturbed that he is LEADING in the swing states. Who cares that Biden is old? I care that Trump and the GQP are insane. Obama is not helping the democrats by his stance on Israel and although Biden was strong, it isn't enough to move American Jews to switch parties. They still believe that the GQP will support Israel more than the Dems will. The is a HUGE problem. But that Trump is still considered a viable candidate given his obvious criminality beggars belief. The conservative news won't stop with Biden's age - Trump is only 3 years younger and 100% less competent than Biden is. Make it make sense!

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Nov 6, 2023Liked by Steven Beschloss

We need a director, a producer and an independent film crew. Because maybe we’d get through to some of his less depraved supporters that he’s even stupider than we know he is.

He could use a good ridiculing. I don’t know if that’s even grammatically correct but my goodness Colbert, Kimmel and Seth Meyers shouldn’t have to do all the heavy lifting.

And ridicule some of his interviewers while they’re at it.

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Nov 6, 2023Liked by Steven Beschloss

Yes, Steven, Trump's nonsensical, non-existent, exonerating "report" is laughable. Except, I can't find much to laugh at in light of recent polls showing Trump leading Biden. (I know, I know...polls. But still, absolutely horrifying in this land of the Electoral College, etc. These numbers beggar belief.)

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The numbers will change. No time for panic!

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Nov 6, 2023Liked by Steven Beschloss

Counting on it! And you are correct, of course. (It's just so hard to accept/believe the wannabe dictator still has such a sizeable stranglehold. I've shaken my head in disbelief so often since 2015: Do they really have no idea what their lives would look like under authoritarian rule?!)

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It does remain, every day, hard to believe.

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Steven, I appreciate your succinct summary of the current state of affairs in the relentless turmoil surrounding Trump.

The article you’ve provided paints a vivid and unsettling tableau of a tumultuous legal saga, orbiting a former President who appears as defiant as he is besieged. Your description captures not just the narrative of legal battles, but the deeper fabric of societal and political theatrics that these battles are enmeshed within.

It is a poignant reflection on the interplay between law, power, and public persona, where the courtroom becomes an extension of the political battleground, and the stakes are as much about the safeguarding of democratic principles as they are about individual accountability. The article is a reminder that the health of a democracy can often be gauged by the actions of its leaders, the integrity of its institutions, and the vigilance of its citizens.

In moments such as these, where proceedings are cast under the public eye, there is an opportunity for the citizenry to engage in a collective moment of learning, to understand the mechanisms of justice, and to reflect on the values that underpin their society. While the spectacle may captivate and, at times, entertain, it is the pursuit of truth and the application of law without favor that will leave a lasting imprint on the canvas of history.

Your call for transparency and the hope for a ‘collective understanding’ is a powerful invocation for a more informed and conscientious public discourse. Whether in the courtroom or the court of public opinion, the ultimate verdict rendered by history will hinge on our collective commitment to justice and the tireless quest for truth.

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"As former prosecutor and legal analyst Andrew Weissmann wryly put it, the canceled presser was no 'shocker.' Rather, 'The only shock is he listened to his lawyers this time.'” Love Andrew Weissmann! Interesting that the orange sadist used these words at all, let alone in one sentence: "moral", "ethics", and "decency". I didn't know that he knew those words.

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Nov 6, 2023Liked by Steven Beschloss

“…Judge Engoron: Trump should be admonished before he testifies that “this is not a political campaign…This is a judicial proceeding.””

I am SO Hopeful that Engoron will continue to keep these proceedings away from anything that would validate “Phlegms” persistent “I’m the victim here” agenda.

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Trump siphons all the good oxygen out of every living moment. In a not-so-abstract way, Trump is getting exactly what he craves: undivided attention. He hogs a huge amount of media space, both in print and in broadcast. Those who persist in following and supporting Trump are blind to his tyranny and his terror. That Trump has promised to attack his detractors and enemies and incarcerate them if elected should be sending chills down the spine of our nation. Those who may think "not possible" should take another look. Then another. And, then, another.

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Bill Barr was asked about his name being on the list. His response was “I’m shaking in my boots.” Gen. Milley didn’t respond. Ty Cobb said “ Trump himself is more likely to rot in prison than anyone on his alleged list.” I suspect they are taking steps to protect themselves because they know exactly what he’s like.

I remember DJT had a list of reporters who were being monitored and harassed. While covering the southern border reporters crossed into MX & had trouble crossing back into the US.

Found an ACLU article about their case on behalf of the reporters.


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Unfortunatly 50% of the country has no idea what you are talking about. That is the challenge. How to get your message to his followers? Ads on Fox and NewsMax? Until they hear you nothing will help expose the bombastic crook

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Precisely. This is what keeps me awake at nights. I can only hope greater minds are going full bore on this issue. How DO we make them hear us? What might trigger a mind change in a MAGA? (What triggered those minds already changed?) A thousand sighs...

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Alas we all know where this is headed. He will appeal and appeal up to the Supreme Court.

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