This is not the time to panic. It is the time to organize. It’s time to educate. It’s time to spread the word. After all that has happened since Trump’s Rebellion of January 6, 2021, he is on the loose. He continues to attack our Constitution and democracy. Suggestions that democracy and our Constitution are not functioning properly have a ring of truth. Every day he is not called to account by law is a sign of weakness; a steady drip, drip, drip of acid upon the rock. For three years this white privileged billionaire male has exploited the First Amendment and the Fourteenth Amendment’s Section 3. I’m shocked, disgusted and disturbed this has gone on for so long. General Benedict Arnold only tried to give West Point to the British. He had to flee to England to dodge the hangman’s noose. Our dear former 45th President led a sneak attack on the U.S. Capitol. He’s free. He’s inciting more dangerous actions against the Constitution and democracy. Drip, drip, drip. Unbelievable. This is not America. https://johnadamsingram.substack.com

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Feb 1·edited Feb 1Liked by Steven Beschloss

It blows our minds that journalists like Asli appear unaware of the Project 2025 manifesto and the host of threats to American Democracy waiting in the wings that will immediately roll out if ANY Republican (with the party in its current incarnation) wins the presidency in November. Thank you for continuing to sound the alarm! https://michiganadvance.com/2024/01/16/project-2025-if-allowed-will-cement-america-as-a-rightwing-authoritarian-state/

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Feb 1Liked by Steven Beschloss

Thank you. Keep ringing the alarm bells and please try and reach those who are not yet convinced. Trump wins, we are out of NATO, Putin takes over Ukraine and tries to expand further. Europe is threatened, which means the whole balance of power in the world is threatened. The US will become an ally of Russia and forsake democratic countries. In the United States, he will bully legislators and his followers will launch death. Fretz against legislators, who, in order to protect themselves in their families, will then pass whatever laws he wants, likely a version of the Enabling Act. Legislators are already being threatened and afraid, and have not stood up to him even though behind the scenes they acknowledge they know the truth. So you are correct… It may not take long before we are a dictatorship and even worse, it wouldn’t be long before Putin, this century’s Hitler, takes over, as much as he possibly can.

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Feb 1Liked by Steven Beschloss

Trump has been creating chaos and continued to undermine and target our Constitution, judicial and legislation branches of government for nearly four years since loosing the 2020 election and leaving office in disgrace. By my count, he’s been at this for nearly 8 years. Maybe some reporters at Politico have been asleep, but very few of us have.

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Asli Aydintasba is terribly naive. She seems to think that Trump would be a lone operative and appears to be unaware of history: Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini; Franco. She ignores the fact Trump's grandfather was driven out of Germany because of the grandfather's support of Nazism. Trump's mother and father were active in the KKK. The seeds of hatred, violence and vigilantism were sown early-on. Trump and his minions are a serious threat to our democratic republic and should be regarded as the enemy domestic. Politico should be ashamed.

Asli should familiarize herself with the following from "GRAPHE" on Project 2025:

Quote: "The far right has made public its plans for an ‘ideal’ America if one of their allies wins the 2024 presidential election in its 2025 Presidential Transition Project. Project 2025 is spearheaded by the far-right think tank Heritage Foundation and supported by more than 80 organizations, many well-known for their extreme positions, and for pushing hate and Christian nationalism. The authors and supporters of Project 2025 claim this plan will “rescue the country” from “elite rule and woke cultural warriors.”

Their aims include “bringing together conservative allies with a common goal: to take back our country from the radical Left by developing a robust governing agenda and the right people to implement it.” And it has been reported, though denied, that internal Project 2025 discussions have centered around the next conservative president invoking the Insurrection Act on the first day in office to allow the military to quell civil unrest. Project 2025 is a threat to our democracy, and we must treat it as such." End quote.

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Feb 1·edited Feb 1Liked by Steven Beschloss

Sorry to say I can’t put much stock in the reporter’s efforts to calm the waters.

- Her math is WRONG. DJT already spent 4 yrs in office figuring out how to destroy us.

- He is spending another 4 yrs along with his funders & followers plotting, planning & propagandizing.

- If he has a 2nd term that means he will have spent 12 YEARS, not 4, deconstructing democracy.

- The entire purpose of Project 2025 is to not waste time; have a plan ready with a huge database of vetted loyalists; eliminate the barriers quickly.

* As for the courts, SCOTUS in particular - slow with no enforcement mechanism. We’ve already seen states try to worm out of following rulings. They will do so if there is a sympathetic DOJ.

* He has plans for the media. He tested the waters last time. The ACLU has a lawsuit that highlights some of it. He has also helped destroy trust in the media. https://www.aclu.org/news/civil-liberties/the-u-s-government-tracked-detained-and-interrogated-journalists-were-suing

* He’s said violence was warranted against people multiple times. As commander in chief he will not appoint anyone with scruples. He’s promised to bring back Mike Flynn.

* If he has a 2nd term, he will enter the WH in a raging fit of retribution with his target list ready. His minions are ready now.

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Feb 1·edited Feb 1Liked by Steven Beschloss

As one who is a member of a class/group, I'm transgender, of people likely to be targeted early on I pay attention and am scared. As discussed in this post it is those who are unaware, even willfully so, of the potential for us to lose our Democracy and for groups of people such as those of us in the LGBTQ community, people of Color, etc. to become targets of discrimination and even violence who place us in danger. It frustrates me to no end how discussion of such realities is pooh poohed.

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Feb 2Liked by Steven Beschloss

She may not be panicking but I’m sure getting close to it. Just reading Joyce Vance, Robert Reich and Heather Cox Richardson’s newsletters here on Substack is enough to turn my gray hair pure white. It would be one thing if our MSM were on top of things and acting like reporters ought to act or if we had more than just a few big newspapers to get the word out but all that is in our rear view mirror now. Local papers are kaput and only a tiny fraction of journalists actually are doing their jobs. The dirty bomb that is trump has exploded and contaminates just about everything it comes in contact with. And then there’s this too. https://www.theunpopulist.net?utm_source=navbar&utm_medium=web&r=np4n

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Feb 1Liked by Steven Beschloss

So important, Stephen, and Mark! Thank you! We don’t want to minimize the very real threat to democracy a second Trump four years poses. It’s tragic, that the former oval office occupier is trying to weasel his way out of accountability for his wrongdoing and that there are followers that see him as a victim. You are so right in saying that we need to talk to everyone we can to keep a dictatorship from happening.

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Well I’ve certainly seen enough from Trumps severely disordered personality to be aware , even if the author isn’t , that Trump already is being coached and encouraged to be an authoritarian. I’m not waiting till he writes it in the sky . We have much already to be worried about in this country , where the wealthiest Corporations run the show and have taken enough for the wealth of the majority of the citizens of this country .

He has already refused to relinquish his insistence that he won the election and has had lots of help from the likes of the Federalist Society to increase the willingness to play politics that can only be bought .

Look at the Supreme Court . Already having abandoned any reasonable ethical guidelines they have benefitted from some of the wealthiest people in this country’s buying and selling of the Constitution to suit their purposes. Much of the dysfunction of a Dictatorship exists already .

Please encourage people that care about Democracy to have serious concern for the planned installation of Trump as a leader in this Country again .

We know Putin owns Trump. Victor Orban has been invited several times to Republican Conventions to teach Authoritarian principles of government to these same Republicans .

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I “feel” the tide is turning in Biden’s favor. Our fickle Citizenry may prove me wrong, but it appears Trump has too much shit going on; abortion/women’s health, his court cases, his deliriousness, “the women” Taylor & Nikki..., .... In retrospect, possibly the tide has already turned? What do you think?

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One of the things that makes me lose hope is that poison is being sent out to right wing followers every day by outlets like Fox and Newsmax. I do not understand why we can’t do something about the lies and anti-American nonsense that they put out every day. Why can’t we uncover whatever support they have And get it through to their followers ? Free speech is one thing, but seems to me they are acting in treasonous ways, and there needs to be something that can stop their poison.

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I agree with both of you Steven and I for one will not be soft on what can and will happen if Trump gets back into office.

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I do not know the author of the essay in Politico, but I’d venture to say that as a visiting fellow to the Center on the USA and Europe - The Türkiye Project, she doesn’t appear to have a grasp of the depth of Trump’s malevolent personality as well as his depraved indifference to all but himself. He certainly has demonstrated to be evil to the core, a liar par excellence and prone to bringing harm to whoever stands in his way. She really should stick to her knowledge of her own country.

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