We either deal -once and for all -with Trump or we can’t move forward - he’s a metastatic cancer on the lifeblood of our democracy.

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Dec 19, 2022Liked by Steven Beschloss

Thank you, Steven! Really appreciate your words, reflections on the Truth, and attitude. Have a relaxing recharge!

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Turbulence begin when Trump came down the escalator with that supercilious look on his face and crazy people bowed down to a crazy man. A 200 -300 year sentence to prison might wipe that goofy grin off his face- &- It might just save our democracy.

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Dec 19, 2022Liked by Steven Beschloss

I enjoy your essays, travels and thinking Steve. Happy Holidays.

The Truth of Time (me):

The sun always comes up on another new day as mankind continues our chaotic but interminable forward progress to a better future

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Dec 20, 2022Liked by Steven Beschloss

Steven, I wan to thank you for your insightful writing, and for making America, America a platform for civil discourse. It stands like a beacon for light AND hope in these turbulent times. I believe I speak for fellow members here, when I say we truly appreciate you. You have helped us navigate the political storms of life. I always remind myself that challenges and adversity reveal character, and make us stronger. More change is coming. The New Year can be a time to balance priorities and reset. Lets take the higher ground. We CAN get this right. Enjoy your winter break, and may you and your family experience joy and peace this Christmas Season. Very best wishes from 'we the North', in Canada. : )

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Dec 20, 2022Liked by Steven Beschloss

Thank you, Mr. Beschloss,

Being able to read your perspectives with historical background is helpful during this chaotic chapter we are experiencing.

May you have a restful and peaceful holiday season.

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Thank you for your reflections and writings. Wishing you happy holidays and good health. I’m looking forward a year of accountability.

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Your column has been a balm. Happy holidays and keep moving forward all!

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How best do we get through the next two years of GQP control of the House?

Despite this apprehension, Steven, I wish you and your friends and family, and those here on LBaLH all the best for the holidays and the New Year.

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Wishing you and The America America community a warm and happy a holiday season..With new beginnings and successes in the coming new year..I’m proud to be one of you..😎 As Joyce Vance says..”We’re in this together”..

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Sadly, not everyone especially great grandmothers, great grandfathers and others with silver hair -cannot afford subscriptions to five-10-20 different posts. Perhaps you need a senior rate?

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