Trouble. Oh, we got trouble. Right here in our country we got trouble with a capital T, and that T stands for Trump.Did he lose? People still think he is president. They support his chosen ones - Herschel Walker, a joke. They do his bidding, send him money.The media loves him -trump, trump, trump 24/7.He still holds his rabble rousing rallies (for which he never pays the tab). He controls a whole political party. "Hang Mike Pence" even supports him. He lives in luxury, free as a bird. Is that losing?Nothing ever gets solved: Poverty, guns, race, crime,debt, immigration, a list of political promises. Shall we add trump to the list? Will NY, GA or the DOJ ever indict? Excuses, each waiting for the other to be first. Hard to prove intent. Would cause terrible chaos and probably death, would take away agents working on ongoing murder and rape cases, would bring him yet more money, make him a martyr. They got Capone on taxes. Maybe trump on the present rape case.This despicable, lying, unstable,egotistical recreant who would annihilate our Republic. And he had official followers.There is a book called Zero Fail that details the problems that befall the Secret Service: need of money, equipment, jealousy, exhaustion, prostitution scandals, poor leadership. No doubt most are honest, hard working people who take their job seriously. But they are not all Clint Hill who, to this day, regrets not taking the bullet that killed John Kennedy. Add the FBI that was warned at least twice of the upcoming January 6th trouble and did nothing in advance. It was left to Nancy Pelosi to call in "the troops" and save the day, perhaps even save the country. Women-never allowed to own property, vote, never won awards, never seriously taken as anything but the little housewife (recall Barbara Wallters/Harry Reasoner?),no longer permitted to own their own bodies. I, myself, when living in Syracuse, NY, applied for a position on the local newspaper and was told women only wrote for the society pages.Think of all the women throughout our history who were smart, accomplished, brave: Pocahontas, Abigail Adams,Susan B.Anthony, Clara Barton, Eleanor Roosevelt, Rosa Parks,Ruth Ginsburg and many others, Yes, Pelosi , with some Schumer added in, saved the day. I hope the time comes when women are truly appreciated, and she gets the chance to "punch him out !"

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What a mess, all because of tRump. I give my 100% trust Garland will indict. He's been too tight lipped for a reason. Thankfully, I have patience.

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Garland could’ve indicted orangehead on all the Mueller crimes and the Daniels bribe his first week in office. He didn’t then and he’s not going to now.

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Steven, thank you for your astute writing. Donald Trump is indeed a pariah, hell bent on ruining the country if that's what it takes to save himself. Ever the eternal victim, he preys upon people who feel that life hasn't been fair to them. They see Trump as their champion. He claimed he is 'the chosen one' and they are happy to believe him. It is truly disturbing that this narcissist, misogynist, characterised by bigoted, brazen and appalling behaviour actually appeals to so many people. Donald Trump should have been removed as President by the 25th Amendment of the Constitution, and yet Republicans did NOT have the fortitude to do so, fearing recrimination. The GOP seemed almost resigned to his outlandish statements. Trump always showed us who he is. Four + painful years of enduring his egregious and unhinged behaviour in Office, was preceded by a long history of business misdemeanours and failures. People became numb to his flaws. He gave new license to bad behaviour. Above it all is the bigger issue; that America has deeply entrenched, polarised divisions, influenced by demographics, religion and socio-economic status. As has been said before, Trump is a symptom of this grave social malaise, and he played it for all he could get. The country is far from united, and continual disagreement and conflict do nothing to heal the divisions. In his lengthy written response to the January 6th Committee's decision to subpoena him to testify, Trump reasserts that the 2020 Election was stolen, and he is the victim, once again.

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