I don’t think our democratic leaders are unaware of the multiple challenges we are facing or how serious they are, but I do think they MAY be paying too much attention to cleaning up the mess left behind from the previous administration and the importance of having enough money to fight off the GOP, and aren’t paying enough attention to strategy. I also think the public is just now starting to grasp all that will be lost if they don’t start engaging with politics in a very big way.

I get it. Very few people WANT to get involved in politics, even when the political scene is relatively quiet. But what we’re currently seeing is the politics of stupid & mean on steroids, with a whole lot of crazy on the side, and all of it is deliberate. It’s all meant to scare people and it IS scaring people. But being frightened by mean, intransigent idiots is a luxury we simply can’t afford.

We can’t afford it because we are the key to turning this crisis around. There are far more peaceful, hard-working, live and let live, genuinely nice people than there are mean, dumb idiots with little or nothing to lose. If we lose our country to them, it will be because we let them win.

It’s our responsibility to make sure Pres. Biden and all Dem leadership know exactly how concerned we are. But we also have to show up and provide support however we can, whether it’s going to town halls, donating to candidates or showing up at school board meetings to help keep the peace. If we do that, our leaders will be able to fight for us with confidence and determination.

We’ve all taken our government, our rights granted to us by our Constitution and our relatively prosperous lives for granted. I’m not saying there haven’t been times that were tough in each of our lives, once we’ve lived to a certain age almost all of us have had very difficult things to cope with, but we should consider those difficult times good practice for what we have to do now.

Keep in mind that former president Trump was not legitimately elected. He had a lot of help from Putin in the form of money and vote hacking. His presidency was a huge fraud on the American people. Yes, it’s

documented. In fact, if you poke around long enough on the internet you can probably find documentation of that on your own.

Also keep in mind there have been Russian operatives present in America for a very long time and they’re still here. So are Chinese and Iranian operatives. I’m not pointing this out so you or anyone else will treat foreign born people with suspicion and hostility, I’m pointing it out to give you a better idea of how we got into this mess. We live in the wealthiest nation on earth, that automatically makes America a target.

Anyway, these professional operatives have been manipulating and coaching a whole lot of Americans for many years to behave very badly. For example they infiltrated the NRA and other organizations for the express purpose of radicalizing Americans. In fact, they’re responsible for much of the intransigence of gun owners. Overall, these operatives are trained professional manipulaters who are here to cause chaos and division.

Speaking of chaos, the hysteria over masks, Covid vaccinations, critical race theory (that is NOT part of the curriculum in 99% of public schools), book banning (like kids don’t see far worse things on tv every day) etc. are all manipulations for the express purpose of creating chaos, fear and exhaustion among the general public. When you understand that, it’s easier to not engage, because engaging in these ridiculous controversies can be exhausting.

A lot of people wonder why Dems don’t energetically push back more often on republican nonsense, but think about that. For years the GOP has been creating its own reality, its “alternative facts” and lying about almost everything for political gain. Verbally fighting with people who do that is like physically fighting on quicksand. Everybody gets dirty and there’s no clear winner. How on earth do you fight with someone who makes up their own facts?

Speaking of facts, unlike the Watergate era, mainstream reporters and journalists are no longer functioning as truthtellers. As far as I can tell, their marching orders are to report on and embellish controversy because that’s what sells these days. To be clear, most of the msm disfunction we’re experiencing is being driven by greed. But that a topic for another day.

We can turn this trajectory around if we vote more democrats into Congress, giving Dems a clear majority in both the House and Senate. That’s the key. If we don’t do that I really fear for what can happen, especially since we are staring climate change in the face. We must have a strong federal govt,

(the opposite of Trumplandia during Covid that left states on their own to obtain desperately needed equipment in order to save lives and prevent nurses from dying) to cope with the challenges of climate change, otherwise we risk losing our way of life forever. I’m not being melodramatic, I’m being realistic. If we have a republican majority and a republican president again, chances are they will continue to claim climate change is a hoax until it’s so bad that we can’t do anything about it.

Arm yourselves with factual information about climate change and point out to your friends and family the necessity of a strong federal government as the crisis accelerates, don’t bother with greedy dopes who live in an alternative fantasy world.

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The Democrats seem to be unable to form a message, or if they do they fail to get it out to the public. Mainstream media picks up on the most trivial and obnoxious of insurrectionist's speech and run with it through the entire news cycle, if not longer. Some Democrats point out that we are running out of time for staving off the Republican assault on democracy, but that is usually a lead-in for a plea for donations. We seldom hear any push-back reported by the media. Maybe that's because the journalists are out chasing the firebrands that bump up revenue and ignoring the grinders in the trenches trying to govern against the endless assault from the right.

I can't help but wonder about the complicity of law enforcement in the direction society is taking. Public officials and private citizens face death threats almost daily, yet there is no indication anything is being done to put a stop to that. Our next test will probably come in the form of one of those nutjob white supremacists wounding or killing a public official at some level of government. It could be a Republican who rejects the Big Lie.

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