May 12, 2021Liked by Steven Beschloss

I have a couple of questions regarding the First Amendment and how it applies or doesn't to fox. I seem to remember in a lawsuit filed against them, they used the defense that they weren't journalists and that fox "new" was just entertainment. Another thing I seem to remember about the First Amendment is that liable and slander weren't protected and neither was the equivalent of yelling fire in a crowded room where there is no fire. Considering the danger of the crap they've been spewing about the election and COVID, I consider that at least as dangerous as yelling fire. Wouldn't one or all of these things exempt fox from the protections the court gives to reputable news organizations? Would reinstating the Fairness Doctrine that Reagan threw out, also get rid of them? I get that their base and the politicians who need to feed them their daily dose of red meat would be pissed, and it wouldn't necessarily get rid of the network, but, we could all stop pretending that they are anything but a radical propaganda outlet, who can and should be sued into oblivion.

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May 13, 2021Liked by Steven Beschloss

Only financial pressure will bring down this behemoth. It would behoove someone to go through their broadcasts for the past 2-3 years with a finetooth comb and tease out all of the actionable statements, then work hard on getting the offended parties to sue. I've often noticed in medicine (my field) that 99% of the "this could generate a lawsuit" incidents do not, in fact, generate a lawsuit. It is a huge untapped potential for transfer of wealth from one group to another. In this case, enough suits from offended entities (organizations, firms, religious groups, whatever) might have a real effect. Needs a coordinator to initiate such a drive.

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I agree that confronting the Danger of Fox news promoting Dangerous Democracy ending Fascist lies is a step we need to take starting now. I was so tired after the Trump years and the insurrection gave us a bit of a reprieve since America and the world was shook awake with that horrific act of Trump spun violence. Fox Lies must be called out continuously now.... All Americans need to begin again in calling out “Lies and Liars” not sugar coating them as “falsehoods” and “misstatements”.... Collectively we waited too long the last 4 years and the Trump Fascism “mold” grew from the belief of those LIES. I own that I am ANTI FASCIST... I am ANTIFA 😠 Maybe if we Americans agree to identify as being anti fascist we can convert and subvert the Lies and Liars. I noticed that those Americans that expressed fear of Antifa to me this last year did not even know what it was. I first replied to them that “ I am Antifa” then my next words were: “ I am Anti-Fascist”. A bit more about Trump, the current GOP, & Authoritarianism then They too said that they are Antifa. Trump and Fox used the words “Antifa” and “Democrat” as a fear inducing tool and it worked on people who couldn’t figure out for themselves what those words mean. When we say the word “Democracy” the Insurrectionists think the word means “Democrats” and want to end us.

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Upwards of 83% of republicans believe Joe Biden isn't our president. The right-wing bubble has been feeding conservatives lies, and it caught up to them on January 6th. https://www.businessinsider.com/majority-republicans-dont-believe-biden-won-election-gallup-poll-2020-12

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