Significant is an understatement. What a relief after, as you say, after years of waiting and wondering why some legal authority hasn't taken some action against an obvious law breaker? Why would any American need to be concerned about the rule of law when the rich and famous can thumb their noses at what that means. I believe the actions taken this week have finally pushed the first domino that will start a dramatic collapse of Trump's "empire." Now we will see how the Trumplicans across the country respond, and more importantly how the great flock of Americans called Independents will now come forward. As an optimist, and as I have said many times before as an Independent, I believe that a great majority of us will vote them out, not as Democrats or Republicans, but as Americans sick of the lies and harm being foisted on our country.

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Sep 23, 2022Liked by Steven Beschloss

The most important goal is not to see Trump in prison. Liz Chaney's vow to stop his eligibility to hold office ever again is at the top of my wish list. To rid ourselves of the MAGA cancer, we must extract the tumor from our body politic. Indeed this week's legal decisions brought a sense of normality and relief, and I have to be thankful to every sane, rational, and courageous Conservative who rightly decides on the side of the law. It's so good to see that they still do exist.

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More rain...there are still millions of sycophants and elected (!) enablers out there ready to keep blurring reality. “We have met the enemy and he is us” indeed.

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What is the purpose of acquiring more money if all your needs are met? Fun, smugness, selfishness, name recognition, supposed proof of being smarter and better than others?Some like the Waltons or Bezos are bound to become ultra rich for they sell products that are more affordable than others. I buy books from Amazon; they are cheaper and delivered immediately. I buy food from Walmart; why pay $3 for a 2 litre bottle of Coke when they charge $2.48? But if they don't need it for a comfortable life, why keep it when so many are homeless, hungry, sick? Bezos ex wife set an example of charitable giving. The owner of Patagonia has given the company away, all money going to fight climate change.

The aim should be to help the needy or give to medical research to lift all in our society to feel joy and self worth. Bill Gates gives but probably a small percentage of his wealth. trump is so greedy he is willing to break any and all laws, steal, con everybody he can. What other reason would he have to steal classified information than to make money from future use of them? Hopefully some rays of sunshine are starting to invade the dark cloud surrounding him. And it is with great satisfaction that the person leading the parade is black and a woman. trump's miswired brain must be really scrambled for he has no respect for either.

Next up-what to do about Ron DeSantis???

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Yup. A slurp of hope.

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I like your metaphor of funnel. Yes, finally I see the law being applied to all people equally and restoring my faith in the system that no person is above the law. I finally see truth taking priority over lies. And finally I see the living Torah that I chanted on September 3 in my synagogue coming into action: Tzedek tzedek tirdof. Justice Justice you shall pursue.

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